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    2019-01-10 10:31:36 來源:互聯網|0



      PPG Provides National Hockey League with Thermochromic Puck Coatings for 2019 Bridgestone NHL Winter Classic




      PPG and the National Hockey League (NHL®) announced that official game pucks featuring thermochromic coatings supplied by PPG will be in play at the 2019 Bridgestone NHL Winter Classic® at Notre Dame Stadium on New Year’s Day.

      當冰球的溫度高于冰點時,其先進涂層會從紫色變為透明,這就為裁判員提供了更換冰球的直觀指示。這些涂覆了感溫變色涂層的冰球將在2018-2019賽季的NHL tentpole賽事中進行測試,并將接受進一步的評估,以供將來更廣泛的使用。

      The advanced coatings change from purple to clear when a puck’s temperature is above freezing, providing a visual indication to officials that the puck should be replaced. The coated pucks will be tested at NHL tentpole events during the 2018-19 season and will be further evaluated for broader use in the future.

      “冰球是由硫化橡膠制成的,冰凍時滑行更為平穩,速度也更快。”NHL負責設備運營的高級副總裁丹·克雷格(Dan Craig)表示,“冰凍措施能限制冰球的彈跳,裁判在比賽中一直密切監測球溫的變化對其特性的影響。一旦冰球溫度高于冰點,其熱感涂層的顏色就會發生變化,這能更準確地提醒裁判——是時候換球了。”

      “Hockey pucks are made of vulcanized rubber and glide smoother and faster when frozen,” said Dan Craig, NHL Vice President of Facilities Operations. “Freezing a puck eliminates bouncing, and game officials closely monitor the puck for temperature changes that affect performance while in play. A coating that changes color when the puck is above freezing will more accurately alert the officials that it is time for a replacement.”




      Thermochromic coatings supplied by PPG meet the NHL’s requirements for withstanding game-environment impacts and low temperatures without impacting adhesion. The coating is dispersed into an ink system and screen printed directly onto an official NHL game puck.

      “通過與我們的技術合作伙伴LCR Hallcrest和QCR Solutions Corporation的緊密合作,我們已經可以為能對比賽產生顯著影響的問題提供智能而優雅的解決方案,”PPG工業涂料高級營銷傳播經理Alicia Cafardi說,“這種可以隨溫度改變顏色的定制染料涂層是專門針對冰球而開發的,不過該解決方案也為其他領域的用途提供了一個機會,在這些應用中,一個簡單的視覺參考便可改善一個對象的性能或用途。”

      “Working closely with our technology partners, LCR Hallcrest and QCR Solutions Corporation, we’ve been able to offer a smart and elegant solution to a problem that can significantly impact game play,” said Alicia Cafardi, PPG senior marketing communications manager, industrial coatings. “The custom dye pigment that changes color with temperature was developed specifically for this application on hockey pucks, but the solution represents an opportunity for other applications where an easy, visual reference could serve to improve the performance or use of an object.”


      PPG is the Official Paint of the NHL. The company’s paint products and coatings have a prominent presence throughout professional hockey, protecting and beautifying hockey arenas from Los Angeles to Pittsburgh and across Canada. In addition, PPG coatings help to reduce chips and wear on hockey equipment, including goal posts.




      PPG(紐約證交所代碼: PPG)135年來始終致力于為客戶開發并提供值得信賴的油漆、涂料和材料產品。秉持奉獻與創新精神,PPG幫助客戶應對各類嚴峻挑戰,共同推動行業進步。PPG公司總部設在美國匹茲堡市,其運營和研發機構遍布全球70多個國家,2017年公司全球凈銷售額達147億美元。PPG為建筑、消費品、工業、交通運輸等領域及其售后市場的客戶提供高附加值產品和服務。


      At PPG (NYSE:PPG), we work every day to develop and deliver the paints, coatings and materials that our customers have trusted for 135 years. Through dedication and creativity, we solve our customers’ biggest challenges, collaborating closely to find the right path forward. With headquarters in Pittsburgh, we operate and innovate in more than 70 countries and reported net sales of $14.7 billion in 2017. We serve customers in construction, consumer products, industrial and transportation markets and aftermarkets. 
